Enabling Good Lives Workshop - Palmerston North
Enabling Good Lives Workshop “From rhetoric to reality - real implementation” Brought to you by NZDSN and the national EGL Leadership group Palmerston North – Wharerata Massey University – 2nd August 2018 Target audience: Front Line Support Staff Not to be missed!!!
This one-day workshop, open to disabled people, families and providers, is a major opportunity to engage with EGL and to get a sense of what real EGL implementation means for:
- organisational development and system transformation
- renegotiating relationships with people using services
- being truly person driven and what this looks like in practice
The workshop will hear directly from disabled people, families and providers about transformed lives and transformed / transforming organisations, informed by EGL principles
Workshop Programme:
9.30: Introductions
9.45: Overview of the EGL approach
Implementation – where are we up to?
10.45: Morning Tea
11.05: Making Change Happen – in a good way
The Territory of Change
Steps for making change easier
12.30: Lunch
1.30: Moving towards and EGL approach - experiences of providers,
families and individuals
Discussion and questions
2.45: Afternoon Tea
3.00: An EGL Community of Practice – next steps
Concluding Comments
3.30: Finish
Following the workshop, participants will have the opportunity to join a Community of Practice group to share and continue their development in the EGL space.
These workshops are free for disabled people and family members. Please contact phil@nzdsn.org.nz or on 04 473 4678 to register.
All other attendees go to http://nzdsn.org.nz/events to complete registration
NZDSN member cost $65.22 (ex GST)
Non members $152.17 (ex GST)
This event will only go ahead if sufficient registrations are received