Leadership Exchange Programme

Throughout 2018 Tautoko Support Services has been moving through a process of transformational change as we co-create a self-managing approach with the people we support through our Options service.


A two-way process, providing opportunities to:

  • meet a variety of people,
  • share stories,
  • have meaningful korero
  • ask questions.

The programme can be varied to suit participants learning needs.

We look forward to learning together as people take the lead in their own lives, creating new opportunities to participate in community life, as they choose.

By the end of the exchange you will have:

  • links for ongoing korero
  • collaborations established to develop best practice
  • tools & templates to use to plan and work together
  • new skills to adapt to your own situation
  • Registrations limited to 16
  • Funding is available to contribute to travel & accommodation costs for disabled people and family members

Leadership Exchange Programme

Day One Monday 25th March

9.30      Welcome!  Meet and greet with a cuppa
10.00   Introductions – let’s get to know each other
10.30    Sharing Stories – disabled people, family members and service workers
11.30    Community Circles – information on how circles with a clear purpose can bring about changes wanted.  Virginia is keen to share her own experience.
12.00    LUNCH
1.00      How to create and use 1-page profiles with everyone this process will be led by disabled people helping you to create your own profile 
2.30      Afternoon Tea
3.00     Tools and Templates – how we use them – how you might use them
4.30      Finish 

Day Two Tuesday 26 March

9.00      Tools and templates – questions and open discussions. What have we tried? What have we learnt?
10.30    Morning Tea
11.00   Co-creating a self-managing organisation – our journey so far
12.00    LUNCH
1.00      Self-managing teams – how do they work? How are they different?2.00      Values based recruitment – finding the right people who fit
2.30      Afternoon Tea
3.00      Action plans for future collaboration and reflections
4.00      Finish

About us

Tautoko Services currently provides individual support to approximately 230 people through our Options Supported Living Service, our Community Participation programme and our Supported Employment programme. Our service operates across the lower North Island and Nelson Marlborough areas, the exchange programme is offered in Palmerston North where we are involved in the Mana Whaikaha Systems transformation Project.

We employ approximately 100 people in the following roles, support workers, team leaders, service leaders, 1 service manager, 1 programme manager, 1 communication and marketing coordinator, 1 administration manager and a Tautoko Services Lead.  

Support staff work to make sure that what is important to the person is happening in their day to day life. We know and respond to how each person communicates and how best to communicate with them. Staff know the decisions that are important to each person and how to support them with those decisions. We support people to form new relationships and friendships in their community. We know the places in the community that are important to each person and other places they may like to be part of.

We use individually co-created support plans and reviews to enable people to think about their lives and what they want to change. We work together to make these changes happen. We support people to move towards their aspirations and contribute to their communities.

People who use our services, together with their families and other stakeholders, look at what is working and not working for them through outcome focused reviews.

We are committed to the concept of bringing the whole person to work and use one-page profiles with all our employees as well as the people we support as a basis for this practice.     

We have been working over the past year on being clear about our values and our mission statement and developing a shared purpose within each team.      

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